J Phelan J Phelan

The Truth About Learning Styles and Why IKEA Instructions Feel Impossible

Have you ever bought a piece of furniture from IKEA, or somewhere similar, only to find yourself frustated that you can’t put it togehter? Or annoyed that the pieces you have don’t seem to the same pieces that are in the picture? Or vice versa? If you haven’t, then I’m jealous! And if you have, I have some idea of how you feel!

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J Phelan J Phelan

Lessons on Resilience from Charles Darwin

Perhaps not everyone is destined to make discoveries that change the world, or write a best-selling book. But most of us have aspirations to achieve something. And whatever your goals and ambitions, it’s valuable to understand that failure does not signal the end of all hope.

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Ron Passaro Ron Passaro

A Mumble Brag?

Is a humble brag about your mum a mumble brag? If so, here's a mumble brag...

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